Creative Marketing

Creative Marketing

Creative Marketing

Creative Marketing starts with finding out what motivates customers to buy a particular product or service. The aim of marketing is to make selling superfluous. The aim is to know and understand the customer so well so that the product or service sells itself.

People  respond differently in the way they satisfy a particular need according to their attitudes, social values and so on. The implication, therefore, is that consumers do not simply buy a product or service -they buy solutions to their perceived problems or needs. If the marketing effort is to be successful, it must emphasise the benefits consumers will gain by using the product or service.

In fact what people want is usually far more than they need. In buying an expensive house, the successful person is making a statement about his or her status and position in society rather than just buying a shelter from the elements. Which marketing campaign for expensive houses is likely to be most effective – one which emphasis how structurally sound the houses are, or one which portrays a comfortable  life style with glamorous people in elegant room settings? In the same way most campaigns are cleverly aimed at subtly exploiting the often subconscious wants which influence people’s buying decisions.

As most consumers wants and needs are already being catered for, much effort also goes into catring new needs and wants by developing creative, innovative products.

Once introduced into the market, these exploit wants which wre latent and not expressed until the new product became avalible. For example, how many people new they wanted an iPod until Apple actually bought out the iPod? Innovative products can therefore stimulate  new consumer wants.


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